Wednesday, December 10, 2008

people lie.


and without provocation.

they do not hesitate, do not falter, do not feel remorse.

they do not think about how their lies will effect those around them.

their eyes do not twitch, their pulse remains steady and clear.

there are no microscopic pearls of sweat tracing lines along the contours of their faces.

they say something clever, flash you a grin, and change the subject as quickly and naturally as possible.


you are probably being lied to.

there are probably alot of people around you who know that for a fact.

you're sitting there, nodding your head and muttering 'no, not me.'

still, you think about it.

you wonder.

you start comparing stories in your mind.

think back on what's been said before.

sometimes you actually figure it out.

you're just so afraid of being right that you could never actually say the words out loud.

but most of the time, you're just left wondering.

and there's no way you could ever possibly know the whole truth.

there's no way to break into someones mind and know what they've seen and done.

you'll never know if they've hurt. betrayed. abused. broken.

because, after all....

people lie.